Never Worry Again About Your Rental Property

Kingston Insurance Agency helps you protect your rental property. Whether you are a tenant looking to rent an apartment or a landlord renting out a property, we can get you covered. Do you have an Air BnB or a vacation home rental in New Hampshire? Call Kingston Insurance Agency today at 603-642-4800 to learn more about the short-term rental insurance policies we can assist with.
Rent Sign in Front of New House — Kingston, NH — Kingston Insurance

Renters Insurance

Even if you don't own a home, you still have a lot to protect, and you deserve the same peace of mind as a homeowner. Have you ever thought about the value of each of your items and added it up? Well, if you haven't, it is probably a lot more than you would guess without thinking about it. Kingston Insurance Agency can help you figure out what size policy works for you and provide you with coverage for valuables like clothing, electronics, and computers. It's incredibly vital to cover your possessions with Renters Insurance.

Vacation Homes

Whether you work with Air BnB or VRBO, you will need short-term rental insurance. Do you ever worry about someone getting injured on your property and suing you? What if it's the other way around, and the tenant damages your property or damage occurs on your property while no one is staying there? Short-term rental insurance addresses all these issues, and Kingston Insurance Agency has got the best deals on policies.  
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